Daily Schedule
10:00-10:20: Arrive/Free Play
10:20-10:35: Calendar, Weather Watch, Pledge of Allegiance
10:35-10:50: Music and Movement
10:50-11:00: Circle Time (introduce the theme for the day through songs & books)
11:00-11:10: Literacy and Name Writing
11:10-11:40: Discovery Centers and Art
11:40-11:55: Snack and Share (Each child takes a turn talking about something they like)
11:55-12:10: The Great Outdoors
12:10-12:15: Wrap-up and Pick up time
Monthly Schedule
June 14 & 16: Dads are great, so let's celebrate!
Optional field Trip Friday, June 17: Pleasant Grove Huck Finn Days 9am-12 @ Battle Creek Park
June 21& 23: Super Summer Stars
June 28& 30: America, America you are so grand
July 5&7: 5,4,3,2,1 Blast off to the moon!
Friday Water Fun Day: July 8th
July 12&14: Pirates and Princesses
Optional Field Trip Friday, July 15: Pirate Island Pizza noon-1 @ 959 South 700 East Orem, UT (near Costco)
July 19&21:Wild West: Cowboys and Pioneers
July 26& 28: Tents and Tipees
Aug. 2 &4: Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!
Friday Water Fun Day: August 5
Aug. 9&11: Incredible Insects
In class Field Trip August 9th to Thanksgiving point Discovery Gardens 10am-12 @ Thanksgiving Point
Cost is $2.
The Materials
fee is $15.
Tuition is $50
per month.