The letter N- No and Yes behaviors

This week we talked about yes and no behaviors, how to be nice to others during school time and the people in our community who help us stay safe and happy. 

On Tuesday the book we read during story time was, "Some day we'll have good manners" by Harriet Ziefer. The book gives silly examples of what not to do...I wanted to make sure the adventurers understood the book so we discussed the positive way of behaving, what to say and what not to say to the people around us.

At the sensory table I made an assortment of happy and sad felt faces. The activity was to sort them out by color and to count them all.

I wanted the adventurers to make little people who live in Happy Town.  It took me some thinking time to come up with these simple people..I couldn't decide on what would be best... for the base of the person large gumdrops...potatoes and then I realized that I had some old marshmallows sitting in the craft box.

So this is what we did:

I printed out circles on card-stock for the adventurers to cut out (a little tricky for some).
The markers were used to draw the face and the clothes on the marshmallow. Once the face was drawn I gave everyone a piece of tape to attach the face to the toothpick.

The happy town citizen with blue clothes

A few more citizens

All the happy town marshmallow people
(One of the adventures insisted to use the felt faces we sorted and counted for their person!)

 On Thursday everyone put on their community helper costume and sang the new song I made up called, "The helpers in our town". The Tune is to the "Wheels on the Bus".

 The baker, construction worker, policeman, train conductor, and teacher.

The adventurers got comfortable as they worked on writing their names during Literacy.

Everyone was quite engaged listening to the story from the Standin Tall Series book Obedience, about the little pig with a curly tail. The little pig didn't listen to his Mom and dug a hole out of the pen to show off his curly tail. The farmer's dog ended up biting off his curly tail because the little pig wasn't where he was suppose to be.

Painting their masks.

 Everyone did great painting together for the first time!


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