Pumpkin Week

I bought a pumpkin tray at the dollar tree knowing I would use it for some activity during our P for Pumpkin week. I decided that the adventurers would have fun making a jack-o-lantern with frozen ice cubes on paper plates.

I added food coloring to water to make 
the orange ice pumpkins. 

 I made about 30 ice cubes and put them in the plastic bowl to have them all ready for art time.  Then I pulled them out of the freezer about 25 mins prior to art time.

 I had the adventurers start with 1 cube, but since I am an adult I thought I could handle 2! :)

Elijah rotating his pumpkin ice cube around on his colorful face! It was also fun to hold the ice pumpkin to color the plate.

The coloring was light.

When it was finished drying (make sure you have plenty of paper plates under the wet one!) I glued on the green stem!

I, the great pirate Poppy wanted my fellow pirates to find some the the treasures that got caught in the Popcorn Pumpkin Patch.

 The treasures were much harder to find, then what ye see here.

Each Pirate used their plump, plastic, pumpkin to fill it with the treasures to be found! 

 Each pirate took a partner, so 2 treasure seeking pirates per 
popcorn pumpkin patch. 
(This way there was a more equal chance to all receive the same amount of treasures.)

 The pirates squealed with delight as they found all the treasures! 
Pirate coins, pumpkins, skull heads, monkeys and pebbles.

I have done quite a few sensory bins and this by far was the most fun for all the adventurers. They loved been able to keep the small treasures they put into their own container. They kept asking me if they could keep the treasures..can you tell they are use to just sorting everything out to play with not to keep? Plus having eatable pumpkins and eatable sensory fill (popcorn) added an additional element of fun!

Here is a pic of the eatable pumpkins so you know what to look for if you have never bought them...

I really do love Fall themed activities!

One way to use pumpkin seeds is to make funny, scary, or silly Jack-o-lantern faces!

All you need:
pumpkin paper cut outs
glue, glue, and probably more glue

The adventurers each took a turn scooping out seeds.

They put the seeds into a large pan.

At the art table we had the pumpkin cut outs
ready to be glued upon.
(The adventurers all went crazy with the glue.
We are talking hours upon hours to really dry!)

Elijah made this one... he said it's a  scary werewolf! 

 We read the book, "Pick a Pumpkin Mrs. Millie" in class before we went on a field trip to Wheeler Farm!

I love Rue's determination to pick up the pumpkin by herself! 

 They were trying to decide which pumpkin to pick...

They finally made their decision!

 I made sure the adventurers pointed to the P's in 

These 2 held onto their red tickets the whole time they went through the maze.  

River deciding which way to go.

Getting ready to go on our tractor wagon ride. 

We saw some more animals while riding around.

I love this pic...it makes me wish I had a nicer camera!

 One of the beautiful roosters roaming around.

The hissing geese who will hunt you down for more bread!! It's actually kinda scary...

Petting the goat.

There was a large area filled with feathers from the geese the adventurers found and wanted to float them down the stream.

Then they needed large sticks to help their feather to get un-stuck.

The cage of no return! These two played by the stream for about 40 mins. I love the fact that kids don't need much to be entertained. They loved doing this more than all the other activities!


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